Uhlnebrock 67500 SD 1 switch decoder
Free address setting without decoder specifications
Turnouts and signals with an electromagnetic drive that are to be digitally controlled must be equipped with a magnetic article decoder. Lamps, light signals or track sections that are to be switched on and off digitally are digitized with a switching decoder.
Uhlenbrock magnetic article and switching decoders can be used in Mí_rklin, Motorola and DCC digital systems. In motor oil operation, addresses 1-320 can be addressed with the Intellibox, and addresses 1-256 can be addressed with other control units. In DCC mode, addresses 1-2048 are possible. The addresses are not specified. They can be chosen independently of each other. Each module has two outputs. Depending on the type, both outputs can be addressed together under one address or independently under two addresses.
The relay contacts of the switching decoder have potential-free outputs and can be connected as required. Each output can be loaded with 1 A The limitation to two connections per module keeps the cable paths short and the wiring of the system clear. Connection is easy via screw terminals. The address setting is very simple. First, the programming button of the decoder and then the corresponding switch button on the control panel is pressed. The decoder simply remembers the corresponding address.
The decoders are supplied with operating voltage and control information from the digital control unit.
Universal switching decoder with two separate, potential-free changeover contacts, which can be addressed together under one address. For example, one contact can operate a light signal and the second can switch the driving voltage.
Item No. 67500 SD1 switching decoder