44 200
SBS 44 200Signal Building BlockFor Installing a Digital Braking SectionDescriptionThe Signal building block enables locomotives with digital decoders to slowly come to a stopat a red signal. The braking behaviour of the locomotive is determined by the setting in thedecoder.The module is either switched to red or green by key switches or it can be connected to asolenoid decoder (e.g. Uhlenbrock MD2 67200), so it can be controlled by a digital center.The Signal building block has an additional output so that it can switch the lamps on a lightsignal.Which Decoders are braked softly?Manufacturer TypeUhlenbrock 750, 751, 770, 75100, 75200, 75400, 75420, 75520, 75530, 73500, 73510, 76500, 76520, 77500Märklin 6090, 60901, 60902, all Locomotives with catalogue numbers 37xxxLenz* LE130, LE130XF, LE010, LE011, LE0521, LE1024, LE1025 (see description of CV50 in the operatinginstructions)ESU* Loksound 2, Loksound XL, Lokpilot, Lokpilot DCC*) Decoders from other manufacturers are given with reservations.Please always take note of the manufacturer’s instruction for the appropriate decoder.Note for Uhlenbrock Multi-protocol DecodersIf you are using an Uhlenbrock multi-protocol decoder (73500, 73510, 76500, 76520, 77100)together with this module, then check the following decoder settings:CV 29, Bit 2 = 1 (Factory setting 1)CV 49, Bit 7 = 1 (Factory setting 0)