Roco 76421 - AAE Articulated pocket wagon
Articulated pocket wagon, type Sdggmrs/T2000, of the Alhaus Alstí_tter Eisenbahn. Epoch VI.
Finely detailed model with coupler pocket according to NEM 362 standards with close coupling mechanism.
ä_ć Loaded with two "DHL" containers
ä_ć Perfect combination with other T2000 models
General data
Coupling NEM shaft 362 with close coupling mechanism
AC Wheel set Article number 40195
Length over buffer 393 mm
Railway company: ŚćAAE Ść|Epoch: VI Ść |Gauge: H0 Ść |Elect. system: DC Ść |EAN: 9005033764210
Railway company: ŚćAAE Ść
Epoch: VI Ść
Gauge: H0 Ść
Elect. system: DC Ść
EAN: 9005033764210