Product description
Rhaetian Railway saloon car
In 1931, the CIWL put four Pullman cars into service for the "Golden Mountain Pullman Express" that ran on the MOB. The four saloon cars were taken over by the RhB in 1939 and adapted for use there. The outdated cars were able to be completely refurbished in 1998 with the help of a fundraising campaign by the “Pro Salonwagen” association.
With the “Alpin Classic Pullman Express”, the RhB now has a unique and historically valuable fleet of cars for your annual nostalgic trips and charter operations.
Spare Parts
5001 000 Wheel set H0e (10 pcs.)
5201 000 Wheel set H0m (10 pcs.)
5300 227 Standard coupling (10 pcs.)
5400 225 Adapter short coupling (10 pcs.)
4772 000 1 Accessories