Lux-Modellbau 8883 Wheel Pickups
This pack contains 10 wheel pickups.
The contact sets optimize the power supply of the cars (possibly also locomotives) and ensure a largely flicker-free interior and Zugschlussbeleuchtung.The preloaded by an adjustable spring action contact set of wire lays on the back of the wheel (flange) and ensures optimal contact.
By the participation of all available cart wheels for track contacting a uniformly distributed power consumption and thus reducing dirt contamination of the wheel tread is guaranteed. The assembly of the contact sets is uncomplicated, it is based essentially on a screw and plug system.
Info - Tip
The safe contacting of wheel grinders is often impaired by burnishing layers on the wheels. The electrical conductivity of such blackening layers is very different between the individual vehicle suppliers. Basically, a low contact resistance is achieved only on bare metal wheelsets.
The arcing of moving contacts leads to premature wear of the live surfaces. With the Lux Contact Cream KC-05(Part No. 8886), you can ensure an improved power transfer at the contact surfaces while maintaining contact.
For the removal of disturbing burnishing layers we recommend a glass hair eraser (Part No. 9052).
Lux-Modellbau Wheel Pickups