LB-Class 92 (LegomanbiffoV5)
V5 Decoders & Speaker Kit: Please note: The new Speaker has an multisize sound enclosure, this should be built up and made 'Airtight'. This speaker will not work correctly without this sound enclosure, and our quality sounds will be impaired. Other larger speakers are available.
***IMPORTANT: All sound decoders we recommend be sent Insured special delivery***
Function Key Layout for ESU/LOKSOUND V5 Sound Decoders.
F1 Sound On/Off. (See also Engine Priming Start, in V5 HELPSHEET NOTES) - SEE DOWNLOADS TAB
F2 Playable High Note Horn.
F3 Playable Low Note Horn.
F4 Buffer Clash.
F5 Air Release.
F6 Drivers door slam.
F7 Compressor.
F8 Spirax Valve Popping.
F9 Automatic Flange/Wheel Squeel.
F10 Despatch Whistle.
F11 Guard to Driver 'Right of Way signal' Bell or Buzzer. (Where Applicable)
F12 Roof Fan/Cooler Group.
F13 Sanders.
F14 Wheel Slip
F15 Mk 3 Coach Wail.
F16 Neutral Section
F17 Not Used
F18 Detonators: 3 Bang Stop
F19 Aux 1
F20 Aux 2.